Story S’morey, be part of the family.

Purity and passion are the foundational principles that we opened Bliss Bakery with. As we have grown this focus has not changed.

They’re all natural, and they’re spectacular.

Our products are made with natural, pure ingredients, we use no added chemicals or preservatives and our food has been hydrogenated oil free long before it became trendy.

Many people are unaware that so many bakeries today do not make their own products; rather they bring in mixes or sometimes even fully baked items and present it as their own – have you ever wondered why those Nanaimo Bars look so similar at all the different bakeries you go to?

We prioritize tradition and quality, before yield and profit.

In the quest for greater product yields, lower labour costs and ultimately bigger profits the science of baking has been overtaking the art.

Thankfully the art of Artisan baking is being resurrected by our bakers with a passion for tradition and an increased awareness of the risks that artificial food brings with it. Artisan baking takes more time and more effort but we believe the results are worth it.

Our Choices Make a Difference

Making a big impact on our customers while leaving a small footprint on our environment has always been at the core of Bliss Bakery.

From day one we have selected packaging options that take into consideration the waste that will be generated. Selecting paper over plastic, encouraging our customers to bring their own mug by offering a personal mug discount and promoting recycling strategies are just a few ways that we keep the earth in mind. Even our single use cutlery is compostable.

Most recently, we were the first restaurant in the Okanagan to bring in bamboo straws and made the switch to paper straws which allowed us to eliminate all plastic straws in our stores.

We are a small family owned business but believe our choices do make a difference. We believe your choices make a difference too and invite you to bring your own mug when you decide to visit us.

We want you… Join the team!

To members of our crew, we offer an upbeat, supportive and fulfilling environment which will help guide you to success within your new role & in return leave you with valuable skills to help drive your personal passions and connect with ours.